Apart from the creation of a virtual library for “federal” documents, the projects aims to create a range of academic outcomes, such as the “Oxford Handbook on Federalism” (Oxford University Press – under contract). The following is a preliminary list of publications that have already resulted from the project.
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Corvaglia, Maria Anna: Public Procurement and Labour Rights: Towards Coherence in International Instruments of Procurement Regulation, (Oxford: Hart Publishing)
Abstract: This book examines the complex issue of the use of public procurement for the achievement of labour law and policy. The book sheds a new light on the legal and political implications of the social use of public procurement and it offers an innovative comparative approach, discussing the ways in which the different international regulatory instruments are able to implement labour rights (i.e. WTO Government Procurement Agreement, the EU Procurement Regime, the UNCITRAL Model Law, and the World Bank Guidelines). In particular it is concerned with the fragmentation of the international framework of procurement law into regulatory models that develop independently and that follow different mechanisms for the inclusion of labour policy and labour law.
Payero-López, Lucía: ‘A Federal Theory for Spain in the 21st Century’ (in Spanish). In M.V. Álvarez & J.L. Castro (eds.) Derecho, Política y Sociedad. Contribuciones de Jóvenes Investigadores. Madrid: Bubok (forthcoming). | |
Payero-López, Lucía: ‘Why Catalonia Cannot Self-Determine? The Reasons of the Spanish State’ (in French). Cahiers de civilization espagnole contemporaine (forthcoming). | |
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Guastaferro, Barbara: Sincere Cooperation and Respect for National Identities: The Unitary and Pluralist Twists of the European Integration Process, in: R. Schütze & T. Tridimas, Oxford Principles of European Law – Volume I (Oxford University Press – in preparation) |
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Schütze, Robert: Direct Effects and Indirect Effects of European Law, in: R. Schütze & T. Tridimas, Oxford Principles of European Law – Volume I (Oxford University Press – in preparation) |
Guastaferro, Barbara and Payero, Lucia, ‘Devolution and Secession in Comparative Perspective: The Case of Spain and Italy’ in Robert Schütze and Stephen Tierney (eds), The United Kingdom: ‘Federalism’ within and without (Hart, forthcoming) |
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Corvaglia, Maria Anna: “Public Procurement and Private Standards: Ensuring Sustainability under the WTO Government Procurement Agreement,” Volume 19, Issue 3 Journal of International Economic Law
Abstract: This article analyses the main legal implications inside the World Trade Organization (WTO) regulatory framework of the use of private standards in public procurement. The use of these private initiatives, if crucial for the effective implementation of social and environmental objectives in procurement practices; it has also the potential to generate distortive and discriminatory effects. In the paper, the inclusion of these voluntary initiatives is analysed under the lens of the non-discriminatory principle framed in the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) of the WTO, establishing a comparative analysis with the Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trade.
Lachmayer, Konrad (with Zoltán Szente): The Principle of Effective Legal Protection in Administrative Law. A European Comparison (Routledge Publishing) 2016, 400 pages | |
Schütze, Robert (with Markus Gehring): Governance & Globalization: International and European Perspectives (Cambridge University Press – in preparation) | |
Payero-López, Lucía: ‘Why Catalonia Cannot Self-Determine? The Reasons Given by the Spanish State’ (in Spanish). In J. Cagiao & G. Ferraiuolo (coords.) El encaje constitucional del derecho a decidir. Un enfoque polémico. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2016, pp. 183-217. | |
Payero-López, Lucía: ‘Olivier Beaud’s Theory of Federation and its Application to the Spanish Political Context’ (in Spanish). In M.V. Álvarez & J.L. Castro (eds.) Derecho, Filosofía y Sociedad. Una perspectiva multidisciplinar. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira, 2016, pp. 51-66. | |
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Payero-López, Lucía: ‘The Right of Self-Determination in Spain: A Brief Account for Ashtonished Aliens and Unsuspected Nationals’ (in Spanish). Revista d’Estudis Autonòmics i Federals 23, 2016, pp. 46-79. |
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Guastaferro, Barbara: ‘Constitutional Reform in Italy. The Senate as a Second Chamber Representative of Territorial Institutions’, in Tijdschrift voor Constitutioneel Recht (The Dutch Journal of Constitutional Law), n. 3/2016 |
Guastaferro, Barbara: ‘Disowning Edmund Burke? The Constitutional Implications of “English Votes for English Laws” on Political Representation’ The Constitutional Implications of “English Votes for English Laws” on Political Representation’
Published: UK Constitutional Law Association blog (2 May 2016) |
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Schütze, Robert: “Constitutional Nature: A Federation of States”, in European Union Law (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 43-76 |
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Schütze, Robert: “Free Movement of Goods: Negative Integration”, in European Union Law (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 473-526 |
Payero-López, Lucía: ‘The Right of National Self-Determination: A Human Right?’ (in Spanish). Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho 32, 2015, pp. 93-110.
Abstract: This article aims at determining whether self-determination of peoples can be considered a human right. To do it, the main arguments scholars use to reject the inclusion of self-determination among human rights will be evaluated, and the possibilities of an alternative line of reasoning will be explored. |
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Payero-López, Lucía: ‘The “Citizen Participation Process in Catalonia”: Past, Present and Future’. Liverpool Law Review 36 (3), 2015, pp. 237-256.
Abstract: The aim of this article is two-fold. First, the ‘citizen participation process’ held in Catalonia last November, along with the political events leading to it, will be explained. Second, possible directions which the sovereign process in Catalonia might take will be explored. |
Guastaferro, Barbara: Rappresentanza regionale e controllo di sussidiarietà (Regional Representation and Subsidiarity Scrutiny), in Nomos – Le attualita’ del diritto – 2015 e in Diritto pubblico europeo Rassegna online, luglio 2015, pp. 1-12 |
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Corvaglia, Maria Anna: “South-South Technology Transfer Addressing Climate Change and its (Missing) International Regulatory Framework”, CCLR – Carbon and Climate Law Review, n. 2/2014, 1-13
Abstract: In the ongoing discussion on the crucial role of technology to address climate change and the increasing international pressure on developing countries to combat global warming, this paper emphasises the role of developing countries as sources and not only as recipients of international technology innovations. This paper aims at clarifying the potential of South-South technology transfer and its international legal implications. Highlighting the institutional gap in the international environmental architecture, this research has the objective to also explore the trade-related incentives available at the moment in the multilateral trading system. |
Corvaglia, Maria Anna: “Accession of EECCA Countries to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement: Commitments and Expectations”, ICTSD Bridges Network МОСТЫ, Vol. 7 Num. 7. | |
Sparks, Tom: The International Legal Significance of the Scottish Independence Referendum – A Long View, Opinio Juris Blog. |
Corvaglia, Maria Anna: “The Complementarity of Soft and Hard Law in Public Procurement: between Harmonization and Resilience”, NCCR Trade Working Paper n. 2013/10. | |