Katarzyna Granat


working in Subproject 5 – Supranational Federalism


Katarzyna Granat is a Junior Research Fellow and a Marie Curie Fellow at Durham University Law School. Previously, Granat was 2014-2015 Emile Noël Fellow at New York University Law School. She holds a Ph.D. and an LL.M. from the European University Institute, Florence, as well as a masters’s degree in law from the University of Warsaw. Granat has interned at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, as well as in public institutions and private practice in Warsaw and Berlin.



Granat K., ‘Approval of Article 136 TFEU Amendment in Poland: The Perspective of the Constitutional Court on Eurozone Crisis law’, 21 European Public Law (2015).
Fabbrini F., Granat K., ‘“Yellow card, but no foul”: The role of the national parliaments under the Subsidiarity Protocol and the Commission proposal for an EU regulation on the right to strike’, 50 Common Market Law Review (2013), pp. 115-144.
Granat K., ‘Kontrolle des EU-Sekundärrechts durch den polnischen Verfassungsgerichtshof -Anmerkung zum Beschluss des polnischen Verfassungsgerichtshofs vom 16. November 2011, SK 45/09,’ Europarecht Zeitschrift 2/2013, pp. 205-214.
Granat K., ‘“Yellow card” for the Commission proposal on the right to take collective action’, 4 Quaderni Costituzionali (2012), pp. 897-900.

Book chapters

Granat K., ‘Interparliamentary Cooperation and the Simplified Revision Procedures’ in Interparliamentary Cooperation in the Composite European Constitution, eds. N. Lupo and C. Fasone, Hart Publishing (2016) (forthcoming).
Héritier A., Moury C., Granat K., ‘The Contest for Power in Delegated Legislation’, in Rule-making by the European Commission: the New System for Delegation of Powers, eds. C. F. Bergström and D. Ritleng, Oxford University Press (2016) (forthcoming).
Granat K., ‘Institutional Design of Member States for Ex Post Subsidiarity Scrutiny’ in Democracy and Subsidiarity in the EU. National Parliaments, Regions and Civil Society in the Decision-Making Process, M. Cartabia, N. Lupo and A. Simoncini (eds.), Il Mulino 2013, pp. 421-445.

Book reviews

Granat K., ‘Book review of G. Martinico’s Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process, Routledge 2012’, 20 European Law Journal (2014), pp. 284-286.

Other publications

Granat K., Report on the adoption and implementation of Euro-crisis law in Poland, Euro-Crisis Law Project, EUI, (2014), available at: http://eurocrisislaw.eui.eu/.
Granat K., ‘Written evidence for the European Union Select Committee, House of Lords, The Role of National Parliaments in the European Union’ (2013), http://www.parliament.uk/documents/lords-committees/eu-select/Role%20of%20national%20parliaments/nat-parl-evidence-volume.pdf.

Work in progress

‘The Role of the (Member) States Legislatures as Safeguards of Federalism. A US-EU Comparative Perspective’

2015 presentations

‘The Role of the (Member) States Legislatures as Safeguards of Federalism. A US-EU Comparative Perspective’, presented at the NYU Jean Monnet Center (April 2015)  and the London School of Economics (April 2015)
